Alternativ tittel: PEDIA TIS ATHINAS (TA)
Sjanger: Feature Film
År: 1947
Beskrivelse: At the time of the German occupation of Athens, a group of children steals food and other supplies from the enemy, in order to survive. Their activity turns into a form of resistance and the Germans set out to chase them. The protagonists, Alekos and Nontas, are arrested and end up in a concentration camp. When they return to Athens, they have to defend the honor of Alekos’s sister, Maria (Elli Lampeti), who is pregnant from the offspring of a wealthy family.
1. OPENING TITLES Opening titles)
10. ALEKOS AND NONTAS GET ARRESTED The Germans notice the children. Following a chase, Alekos and his friend Nontas are arrested. The Germans beat them. (THE AREA OF THE STATION)
11. SOME MANAGE TO ESCAPE Some members of the company manage to escape, while the two guards take Alekos and Nontas for interrogation. (THE STATION AND THE RAIL SEPARATING IT FROM THE STREET)
12. THE INTERROGATION AT THE COMMANDER’S HEADQUARTERS Alekos and Nontas are led to the Commander’s Headquarters for interrogation. The German soldiers hail at their superior and speak in German. They ask the boys for their papers. Despite their excuse that they were hungry, the children are accused of sabotage. (THE COMMANDER'S HEADQUARTERS)
13. THE TRAIN LEAVES FOR THE CONCENTRATION CAMP German soldiers lead violently the children to the station. From there they are to be transferred to a concentration camp along with other patriots. The children are packed in a wagon along with other patriots. The train takes off. They support one another and begin to sing “Farewell, you cold springs”. (IN THE STATION – A JAIL WAGON – LANDSCAPES)
14. MARIA LEARNS ABOUT THE ARREST Maria is alone at home and she seems restless. Eleni comes and informs her of the arrest of the children. A German patrol can be heard outside. (AT MARIA'S)
15. THE GRANDFATHER CORROBORATES THE BAD NEWS The grandfather comes home. He is in poor psychological and physical shape. He corroborates the news about the children’s arrest and adds that they have been sent to Germany by train. Everyone cries. The grandfather is cold and lies down. (AT MARIA'S)
16. HELP FROM THE RED CROSS A man in suit comes to the house and offers Maria medicine and food for her sick grandfather, saying that this is help from the Red Cross. He is accompanied by a nurse. When they leave, Maria looks at them from the window. (AT MARIA'S)
17. THE GRANDFATHER’S LETTER TO ALEKOS The grandfather dictates to Maria a letter to Alekos. Maria leaves to post the letter, while the grandfather is in very poor shape. (AT MARIA'S)
18. ALEKOS AND NONTAS RETURN The war is over. The two children, Alekos and Nontas, return to Athens by train. (THE INTERIOR OF A TRAIN WAGON– LANDSCAPES NEAR ATHENS )
19. MARIA INFORMS ALEKOS OF THEIR GRANDFATHER’S DEATH Maria is at home alone and prepares her lunch. As she is having lunch, Alekos surprises her, closing her eyes with his hands. She informs him that their grandfather died three months ago. Alekos feels sorry. A kitten jumps on the table and the two youths smile. (AT MARIA'S)
2. THE GRANDFATHER ENJOYS HIS COFFEE It is the time of the German occupation in Athens. An elderly man drinks his coffee and reads the paper. He stands up and walks to the open window. (ΤHE INTERIOR OF A HOUSE, WITH AN OPEN WINDOW LOOKING ON THE STREET)
20. NONTAS'S VISIT Nontas visits. They exchange news. As he leaves, Alekos expresses his fondness for his friend. (AT MARIA'S)
21. TAKIS IS CONCERNED ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH MARIA The man from the Red Cross in a suit, Takis Makridis, meets a friend of his, Stavros, at a park bench. He is sad because of his separation from Maria. He has written her a letter, in which he tells her how much her stance has saddened him. She played with him and now she is in a relationship with someone else. His friend has also seen him with someone else. They leave to go for a walk. (STREETS - A KIOSK -A PARK)
22. MARIA READS TAKIS’ S LETTER Maria is puzzled as she reads Takis’ letter. Alekos urges her to explain what is going on. (AT MARIA'S)
23. MARIA TALKS TO ALEKOS ABOUT HER AFFAIR WITH TAKIS Maria talks about her flirt with Takis. Their love was mutual, despite class differences. He asked her to become his wife. (AT MARIA'S - PARK)
24. ALEKOS AND NONTAS TAKE OVER Alekos meets Nontas at an open air coffeehouse, tells him his sister’s story and they decide to go together to Takis Makridis’s house. Nontas knows that he comes from a wealthy family. (AN OPENAIR COFFEEHOUSE)
25. ALEKOS AND NONTAS FIND MAKRIDIS’S HOUSE The flibbertgibbert of the neighborhood, who knits on the street, shows Nontas the mansion of Takis Makridis. The two youths move toward his house. (MAKRIDIS'S NEIGHBOURHOOD)
26. THE VAN-DRAGGERS JUMP AT THE HOUSE The van-draggers arrive at the gate. Makridis’s butler does not allow the two youths to enter the house. They talk in an ironic manner. The children remember their old art of van-dragging and jump successfully into the garden. They go up the secondary staircase. (OUTSIDE MAKRIDIS'S VILLA – THE GARDEN AND THE SECONDARY STAIRCASE)
27. ALEKOS AND NONTAS INFORM MAKRIDIS’S FATHER A servant opens the door. A respectable gentleman, Makridis’s father, asks what brought them there. Alekos informs him that his son left his sister pregnant. He defends his sister’s honor. His father tries to make up things by offering money, but he doesn’t succeed. The two young men leave proudly, while Makridis watches them, rather puzzled. (ΤHE INTERIOR OF THE MAKRIDIS VILLA – THE GARDEN)
28. ΤHE MAKRIDIS COUPLE QUARRELS Τhe Makridis couple quarrels, as the husband narrates their son’s deeds. The wife accuses her husband of flirting and calls him a betrayer. (THE INTERIOR OF THE MAKRIDIS VILLA)
29. NONTAS TELLS MARIA ABOUT THE VISIT TO MAKRIDIS’S HOUSE Nontas meets Maria on the street and tells her about their visit to Makridis’s house. She is sad – particularly because Nontas found out about it. She leaves immediately. (A STREET)
3. THE VAN-DRAGGERS PREPARE On the street, outside the old man’s house, we see a group of children playing or, rather, trying to climb on a tall fold. One of them is the elderly man’s grandson. Alekos sees his grandfather watching outside the window and looks at him with a guilty look on his face. (A FOLD)
3. ALEKOS AND NONTAS DECIDE TO GO TO MAKRIDIS’S RECEPTION The two men are again outside the Makridis villa. The house is lit and they realize that the family has a reception. They decide to dress up (a friend will lend them clothes) and to attend the reception, in order to ridicule Makridis in public. (OUTSIDE THE MAKRIDIS VILLA)
31. MARIA MEETS MAKRIDIS’ FATHER We are inside the Makridis mansion. The guests play cards. Makridis talks to his guests. Maria arrives at the villa and asks the butler to lead her to Mr. Makridis. The butler lets her in. In the meantime, Mrs. Makridis speaks ironically to her husband before their guests. By mistake, the servant notifies the father instead of the son that a young woman asks to see him. The father remains calm and views the problem that arose between her and his son with humor. He states that this is a misunderstanding and tells her that he met her brother and he knows everything. Maria says she is sorry for her brother. Makridis says that he is fond of her and hopes this misunderstanding will soon end. (THE MAKRIDIS VILLA - THE LIVING ROOM)
32. THE FATHER ASKS TO SEE HIS SON Mr. Makridis sends the servant to call his son. He supports the love affair of the two youths and asks Maria to tell him exactly what has happened. (SMALL LIVING ROOM – THE LIVING ROOM)
33. TAKIS LEAVES THE GAMBLING TABLE Takis plays cards. The servant tells him that his father wants to talk to him. He leaves the table to meet him. (THE LIVING ROOM)
34. THE MISUNDERSTANDING ENDS Makridis’ father and Maria talk. Takis enters the room and surprised he sees Maria. He accuses her that she wants to embarrass and threaten him in his own house. The misunderstanding is solved when he realizes that Maria’s escort whom he considered a lover, was actually her brother, Alekos, Maria and his father burst into laughter. The misunderstanding ends. Takis embraces Maria. His mother walks in and hears from her husband about the upcoming marriage and the baby that’s coming. (ΤHE SMALL LIVING ROOM)
35. ARRIVAL OF ALEKOS AND NONTAS Alekos and Nontas, well-dressed, arrive at the Makridis mansion by taxi. They bypass the butler and enter the house. (THE MAKRIDIS' VILLA DOOR– THE SMALL LIVING ROOM)
36. MRS. MAKRIDIS’ PROPOSITION Takis’ mother approves of Maria and she proposes to announce the engagement to their guests. All together they walk to the living room. The parents continue to quarrel, Alekos and Nontas enter the house. They see Maria there and hear the good news. (THE SMALL LIVINF ROOM)
37. ANNOUNCING THE ENGAGEMENT Everyone walks into the living room. The guests look at the newcomers in surprise. Father Makridis announces the happy news and ask the girl to sing a romantic song. (THE LIVING ROOM)
38. MARIA’S SONG Maria is applauded as she sings a love song at the accompaniment of the piano. Alekos and Nontas are satisfied, like the Makridis family. The guests enjoy themselves. (THE LIVING ROOM)
4. THE GRANDFATHER REBUKES The grandfather yells at his grandson who is atop the yard. The young boy descends, approaches the window and replies to his grandfather that they prepare to become van-draggers. (STONE FENCE - HOUSE )
5. MARIA FINISHES SCHOOL Maria finishes school for the day. Her brother, Alekos, waits for her outside.They leave together. (A SCHOOL GATE - THE STREET)
6. THE HOUSE MUST BE SOLD The grandfather reads something. The two siblings return home and he tells them that the house that was meant to serve as Maria’s dowry must be sold. They cannot survive otherwise. The children do not oppose his plan and embrace him. (GRANDFATHER'S HOUSE)
7. THE GRANDFATHER IN THE TAVERN The grandfather walks out of a church and prays to Virgin Mary for a miracle to save them from famine. He goes to a tavern. He gets drunk and talks about his problem to a comrade of his. Music plays. Two drunken German soldiers go down the steps. They ask for drinks and harass a girl that is escorted. The grandfather and his friend keep drinking and then leave. A little later, the Germans make a handicapped man trip on his way down the tavern’s steps. He looks at them threatingly. They say something in German and leave. (A CHURCH - AN UNDERGROUND TAVERN)
8. ΤHE CHILDREN’S PLAN The children, Alekos and Nontas, plan their action. (EXTERIORS)
9. THEFT One of the children occupies the German guard, offering him a cigarette. The rest try to enter a train, in order to steal. (STATION)
Leverandør: Tainiothiki tis Ellados
Rettigheter: In Copyright
Samling: Ψηφιοποιημένες ελληνικές ταινίες μυθοπλασίας